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Virginia Unemployment Compensation Attorney Represents Workers

Capable Virginia lawyer helping workers obtain unemployment benefits

After you lose your job, unemployment insurance benefits can provide a financial cushion while you actively seek new employment. If you were terminated from your job as a result of job elimination or a layoff, you may be eligible for unemployment compensation. I help terminated employees obtain the financial compensation owed to them when their applications for unemployment benefits are denied or their former employers challenge their rights to compensation.

In Virginia, the ex-employee must meet the following conditions in order to be eligible for unemployment compensation:

  • Must have lost the job through no fault of his or her own or for “good cause” such as gender, age or ethnic harassment or unsafe working conditions
  • Must have worked long enough and earned enough to qualify in Virginia
  • Must be physically able to work
  • Must not be self-employed or a student
  • Must not be on strike

My thorough knowledge of Virginia unemployment benefits laws enables me to effectively analyze your claim and provide skillful representation in unemployment hearings.

Vigorously guiding you through the unemployment compensation filing process

In general, the Virginia unemployment insurance agency does not deny unemployment benefits unless a claim is contested by an employer. If your claim has been contested, it is within your right to obtain a hearing before an Unemployment Compensation Representative. It is very important to have an experienced and diligent lawyer represent you at this hearing because it is your one and only chance to make your case for why you should get benefits.

I can help you collect and present evidence such as:

  • Federal and state laws about workplace safety and health standards that may apply to your case
  • Employee testimony about work demands or workplace conditions
  • Witness testimonies from employees, friends and family members with whom you have discussed your work situation
  • Written records such as company handbooks, manuals, employment contracts and your personnel file

If your case is appealed to the unemployment agency because you or your employer disagree with the decision resulting from the hearing about your case, I am ready and able to bring new insight to past evidence.

Contact reliable Virginia unemployment compensation lawyer

Don’t leave your potential rights to financial compensation to chance. Contact an experienced unemployment compensation attorney to help you prepare for your unemployment hearing. Call Parson Law at 804-215-8151 or contact me online to schedule a consultation.

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Our Office
  • 11533 Busy Street
    North Chesterfield, Virginia 23236
    Phone: 804-560-7529
    Fax: 804-560-7530
  • We also provide phone consultations for persons that may not want to travel to our office or cannot take off time from work during the normal business day.